Where is Neuroinclusion located?

Neuroinclusion is currently based in Perth, Western Australia. We provide in-person sessions in the Perth Metro area and online Australia-wide. Please enquire with us if you would like more information regarding whether one of our therapists is servicing your area.
Where does Neuroinclusion provide face to face sessions?
Neuroinclusion provides in-person sessions in the Perth Metro area in Australia. The current radius is 30 minutes drive from Ardross. There's a team of almost 10 therapists that provide supports face to face sessions in parks, libraries, schools, daycares, homes and our clinic.
What schools does Neuroinclusion currently visit?
Neuroinclusion provides therapy in a number of local schools and prides ourselves on nurturing relationships to optimise your success. We currently attend:
- Trinity College
- Wesley College
- Penhros College
- Bob Hawke College
- Melville Primary School
- Samson Primary School
- Honeywood Primary School
- Kerry Street Community School in Hamilton Hill
- Christ The King Primary School in Beaconsfield
- St Emilie's Catholic Primary School
- Carey Baptist College in Harrisdale
- Coogee Primary School
We love collaborating with schools so please contact us if you would benefit from support at your child's school

What are my options if I'm located outside of this area?
Neuroinclusion provides therapy services across Australia via telehealth. Using Google Meets, we are able to arrange sessions online directly with you, your family members and any other relevant stakeholder such as educator. Some clients travel to meet their therapist in person at an agreed location within our service area to reduce travel costs. If you are unsure or would like clarification, please email us and we can inform you of our recommendations specific to your location and needs.